标题: 序列比对工具之BLAST [打印本页]
作者: xmubingo 时间: 2011-3-2 19:41
标题: 序列比对工具之BLAST
作者: xmubingo 时间: 2011-9-1 10:07
标题: blast参数手册
作者: xmubingo 时间: 2011-9-12 15:01
标题: blast+2.2.24和2.2.25输出格式差别
blast+的一个重要特色是可以自定义输出格式:- *** Formatting options
- -outfmt <String>
- alignment view options:
- 0 = pairwise,
- 1 = query-anchored showing identities,
- 2 = query-anchored no identities,
- 3 = flat query-anchored, show identities,
- 4 = flat query-anchored, no identities,
- 5 = XML Blast output,
- 6 = tabular,
- 7 = tabular with comment lines,
- 8 = Text ASN.1,
- 9 = Binary ASN.1,
- 10 = Comma-separated values,
- 11 = BLAST archive format (ASN.1)
- Options 6, 7, and 10 can be additionally configured to produce
- a custom format specified by space delimited format specifiers.
- The supported format specifiers are:
- qseqid means Query Seq-id
- qgi means Query GI
- qacc means Query accesion
- qaccver means Query accesion.version
- qlen means Query sequence length
- sseqid means Subject Seq-id
- sallseqid means All subject Seq-id(s), separated by a ';'
- sgi means Subject GI
- sallgi means All subject GIs
- sacc means Subject accession
- saccver means Subject accession.version
- sallacc means All subject accessions
- slen means Subject sequence length
- qstart means Start of alignment in query
- qend means End of alignment in query
- sstart means Start of alignment in subject
- send means End of alignment in subject
- qseq means Aligned part of query sequence
- sseq means Aligned part of subject sequence
- evalue means Expect value
- bitscore means Bit score
- score means Raw score
- length means Alignment length
- pident means Percentage of identical matches
- nident means Number of identical matches
- mismatch means Number of mismatches
- positive means Number of positive-scoring matches
- gapopen means Number of gap openings
- gaps means Total number of gaps
- ppos means Percentage of positive-scoring matches
- frames means Query and subject frames separated by a '/'
- qframe means Query frame
- sframe means Subject frame
- btop means Blast traceback operations (BTOP)
- When not provided, the default value is:
- 'qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send
- evalue bitscore', which is equivalent to the keyword 'std'
- Default = `0'
复制代码 2.2.24中没有qlen和slen这两个候选项............
作者: zouquan 时间: 2011-10-13 19:20
1. 运行cmd,在dos状态下进入到本文件夹的bin文件夹下面
2. 将查询序列文件(比如me.fasta)和数据库文件(比如human.fasta)文件也放入bin文件夹里面。(注意:要使用fasta格式编辑序列)
3. 预处理数据库文件。(这步是必需的,懂得blast工作原理的人应该知道,这步在为数据库中的序列做hash表/索引表,以保证下步搜索能够快速完成,不用遍历数据库)预处理使用formatdb命令。具体格式如下:
formatdb -i ecoli.nt -p F -o T
其中-i 输入需要格式化的源数据库名称
-p 文件类型,是核苷酸序列数据库,还是蛋白质序列数据库
T – protein F - nucleotide [T/F] Optional
default = T
-a 输入数据库的格式是ASN.1(否 则是FASTA)
T - True, F - False. [T/F] Optional
default = F
-o 解析选项
T - True: 解析序列标识并且建立目录
F - False: 与上相反
[T/F] Optional default = F
4. 开始比对时,在命令行键入下列命令:
blastall -p blastn -i myRNA.fasta -d humanRNA.fasta -o myresult.blastout -a 2 -F F -T T -e 1e-10 (注意是e,不是E)
blastall: 这是本地化/命令行执行blast时的程序名字!(Tips:blastall直接回车就会给出你所有的参数帮助,但是英文的)
-p: p 是program的简写,program在计算机领域中是程序的意思。此参数是指定要使用何种子程序,所谓子程序,就是针对不同的需要,如核酸序列和核酸序列进行比对、蛋白质序列和蛋白质序列进行比对、假设翻译后核酸序列于蛋白质序列进行比对,选择相应的子程序: blastn 是用于核酸对核酸 blastp 是蛋白质对蛋白质序列 等等,一共5个自程序。在核酸序列中搜索蛋白序列是tblastn,在蛋白序列中搜索核酸序列是blastx.
-i: i 是input的简写,意思是输入文件,就是你自己的要进行比对的序列文件(fasta格式)
-d: d是database的简写,意思是要比对的目标数据库,在例子中就是humanRNA.fasta
-o: o是output的简写,意思是结果文件名字,这个根据你自己的习惯起名字,可以带路径,(上边两个参数-i -d 也都可以带路径)
-a: 是指计算时要用的CPU个数,我的机器有两个CPU,所以用-a 2,这样可以并行化进行计算,提高速度,当然你的计算机就一个CPU,可以不用这个参数,系统默认值为1,就是一个CPU
-F: 是filter的简写,blastall程序中有对简单的重复序列和低复杂度的一些repeats过滤调,默认是T (注意以后的有几种参数就两个选项,T/F T就是ture,真,你可以理解为打开该功能; F就是false,假,理解为关闭该功能)
-T: 是HTML的简写,是指blast结果文件是否用HTML格式,默认是F!如果你想用IE看,我建议用-T T
-e: 是Expectation value,期望值,默认是10,我用的10-10!
还可以 -m 8 (是表格输出)
eg: blastall -p blastn -i myRNA.fasta -d humanRNA.fasta -o myresult.blastout -m 8
作者: zouquan 时间: 2011-10-13 22:17
BLASTClust accepts a number of parameters that can be used to control the stringency of clustering including thresholds for score density, percent identity, and alignment length. The BLASTClust program has a number of applications, the simplest of which is to create a non-redundant set of sequences from a source database. As an example, one might have a library of a few thousand short nucleotide sequence reads and wish to replace these with a non-redundant set. To produce the non-redundant set, one might use:
blastclust -i infile -o outfile -p F -L .9 -b T -S 95
The sequences in "infile" will be clustered and the results will be written to "outfile". The input sequences are identified as nucleotide (-p F); "-p T", or protein, is the default. To register a pairwise match two sequences will need to be 95% identical (-S 95) over an area covering 90% of the length (-L .9) of each sequence (-b T) . Using "-b F" instead of "-b T" would enforce the alignment length threshold on only one member of a sequence pair. The parameter "S", used here to specify the percent identity, can also be used to specify, instead, a "score density." The latter is equivalent to the BLAST score divided by the alignment length. If "S" is given as a number between 0 and 3, it is interpreted as a score density threshold; otherwise it is interpreted as a percent identity threshold.
To create a stringent non-redundant protein sequence set, use the following command line:
blastclust -i infile -o outfile -p T -L 1 -b T -S 100
In this case, only sequences which are identical will be clustered together. The “blastclust.txt” file in the standalone BLAST package details the full range of BLASTClust parameters.
Blastclust h
作者: zouquan 时间: 2012-8-26 16:18
1. 开通服务器帐号;(联系邹老师)
3. 用winscp登录,如下图
4. 登陆上去,如下图:左面是你的电脑,右面是服务器
现将BLAST的压缩包上传,并解压缩(命令:tar zxvf blast2.2.20.tar.gz)
进入blast/bin目录(命令:cd blast/bin)
6. 敲ls,确定刚才上传的两个文件,(比如unigene.fa和genome.fa)在当前目录下。
7. 两个命令完成blast:
7.1 为数据库建立索引,命令为
./formatdb -i genome.fa -p F (敲回车)
注意:-i 后面跟数据库文件名
如果是dna/rna文件要敲-p F;如果是蛋白文件,敲-p T
7.2 对数据库搜索,命令为
./blastall -p blastn -i unigene.fa -d genome.fa -o output.txt -m 8 -e 1e-10
注意:-p blastn是说对DNA数据库搜索DNA,如果对蛋白搜索蛋白用-p blastp等
-i 后面跟查询文件的名字
-d 后面跟数据库文件的名字
-o 后面跟输出文件的名字
-m 8 是以表格形式输出,如果不写-m 8则以常见的配对格式输出
-e 后面跟E-value的限制,越大输出结果越多,越不严格。
作者: zouquan 时间: 2013-3-24 09:38
http://blog.163.com/yinjianrui19 ... 919720113634752102/
作者: zouquan 时间: 2013-4-17 16:32
我已在70服务器上建好了nt和nr和refseq genomic数据库,地址在/backup2/blastdb/nt或nr目录下
#blastn -query query.fa -db /backup2/blastdb/nt/nt -out query.blast6 -outfmt 6 -num_threads 4
#blastx -query query.fa -db /home/blastdb/nr/nr -out query.blast6 -outfmt 6 -num_threads 4
# blastn -query scaffold.fa -db /home/blastdb/nt/nt -out scaffold.blast7 -num_threads 4 -outfmt "7 qseqid qlen sseqid slen qstart qend sstart send evalue length"
作者: zouquan 时间: 2013-4-26 13:34
http://datamining.xmu.edu.cn/bbs ... wthread&tid=896
作者: zouquan 时间: 2013-4-29 21:29
#makeblastdb -dbtype prot -in 16245.fasta
# blastp -query 4151.fasta -db 16245.fasta -out zouout.blast6 -outfmt "6 qseqid qlen sseqid slen qstart qend sstart send evalue length"
#makeblastdb -in prefix_TATA90.fasta -dbtype prot
#psiblast -query prefix_TATA90.fasta -db prefix_TATA90.fasta -out zz.out -evalue 10 -outfmt 6
作者: zouquan 时间: 2013-7-31 00:00
blastn -task blastn-short
blastn -task blastn-short -query slrna.fa -db contig.fa -out sl2contig.blast6 -outfmt "6 qseqid qlen sseqid slen qstart qend sstart send evalue length mismatch gaps"
作者: zouquan 时间: 2013-8-23 08:37
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