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发表于 2022-7-3 08:53:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
  • Microbiome in human health and diseases (oral, gut)
  • Microbial ecology of natrual habitats (hot springs)
  • Identify biomolecules of microorganisms (non-coding DNA, miRNAs, secreted proteins, etc.)


  • 邹 权 (教授,电子科技大学)
  • 林 琛(教授,厦门大学)
  • 马占山(研究员,中国科学院昆明动物研究所)
  • 王彦苏(副研究员,电子科技大学)
  • 杨凤龙副教授,福建医科大学)
  • 王 超 (副教授,广西医科大学)
  • 邹 垚(博士后)
  • 范美琪(博士后)
  • 陆月琪(博士后)

  • 基于宏基因组病毒大数据的菌株级微生物相互作用关系及病毒变异研究,重点,62432011,林琛主持
  • 面向宏基因组数据的分类、分箱以及基因组间交流的方法研究,面上,62373080,王彦苏主持
  • 个体化肠道菌群代谢网络的建模方法研究及应用,国家自然科学基金青年基金,62102065,杨凤龙主持
  • 从宏基因组重建细菌全基因组单倍型,国家自然科学基金青年基金,62102068,曹晨主持
  • 基于机器学习方法的土传真菌病害预测研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金,62102269,王彦苏主持
  • 真核病原微生物抗原表位的高效分类模型及多肽疫苗靶点筛选,国家自然科学基金青年基金,62202083,胡瑞思主持
  • 肝癌治疗中胆汁酸变异与肠道菌群相互作用的生物信息学解析,62401402,国家自然科学基金青年基金,范美琪主持
  • 肠道微生物数据挖掘与生物标志物选研究:以鼢鼠为例,62402344,国家自然科学基金青年基金,邹垚主持
  • 利用多序列比对指导16s rRNA的OTU聚类,国家自然科学基金面上项目,61771331,邹权主持,已结题


  • mAML (Automated machine learning pipeline with a microbiome repository for human disease classification)
  • GutBalance (Human gut microbiome-based disease prediction and biomarker discovery with compositionality addressed)
  • Sc-ncDNAPred (Identification of non-coding DNA in Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
  • NonClasGP-Pred (Prediction of non-classically secreted proteins)
  • MDADP(integrating database and prediction tools for microbe-disease associations)


  • Yong Huang, Quan Zou, Xing Jia Shen, Xue Li Yu,Zhan Bin Wang, Xiang Chao Cheng. Constructionof baculovirus expression vector of miRNAs and its expression in insect cells. Molecular Genetics, Microbiology and Virology. 2012, 27(2)85-90
  • Hongju Chen, Shuting Peng, Lin Dai, Quan Zou, Bin Yi, Xianghong Yang, Zhanshan (Sam) Ma. Oralmicrobial community assembly under the influence of periodontitis. PLoS One. 2017,12(8): e0182259
  • Wenying He, Ying Ju, Xiangxiang Zeng, Xiangrong Liu*, Quan Zou*. Sc-ncDNAPred: Asequence-based predictor for identifying non-coding DNA in Saccharomycescerevisiae. Frontiers in Microbiology.2018, 9: 2174.(web server)
  • Kaiyang Qu, Fei Guo, Xiangrong Liu, Yuan Lin*, Quan Zou*. Application of MachineLearning in Microbiology. Frontiers inMicrobiology. 2019, 10: 827
  • Lianwei Li, Wendy Li, Quan Zou*, Zhanshan(Sam) Ma*. Network analysis of the hot spring microbiome sketches out possible niche differentiations among ecological guilds. Ecological Modelling. 2020, 431: 109147
  • Fenglong Yang, Quan Zou*. mAML: an automated machine learning pipeline with a microbiome repository for human disease classification. DATABASE-The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation. 2020, 2020: baaa050. (web)
  • Fenglong Yang, Quan Zou*, Bo Gao*. GutBalance: a server for the human gut microbiome-based disease prediction and biomarker discovery with compositionality addressed. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2021, 22(5):bbaa436. (web site)
  • Fenglong Yang, Quan Zou*. DisBalance: a platform to automatically build balance-based disease prediction models and discover microbial biomarkers from microbiome data. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2021, 22(5):bbab094 (web)
  • Wendy Li, Yang Sun, Lin Dai, Hongju Chen, Bin Yi, Junkun Niu, Lan Wang, Fengrui Zhang, Juan Luo, Kunhua Wang, Rui Guo, Lianwei Li, Quan Zou, Zhanshan (Sam) Ma, Yinglei Miao. Ecological and network analyses identify four microbial species with potential significance for the diagnosis/treatment of ulcerative colitis (UC). BMC Microbiology. 2021, 21: 138
  • Chao Wang, Quan Zou*. A Machine Learning Method for Differentiating and Predicting Human-Infective Coronavirus Based on Physicochemical Features and Composition of the Spike Protein. Chinese Journal of Electronics. 2021, 30(5): 815-823 (data and software)
  • Chunyan Ao, Yu Zhang, Dapeng Li, Yuming Zhao*, Quan Zou*. Progress in the developmentof antimicrobial peptide prediction tools. Currentprotein & peptide science. 2021, 22(3): 211-216
  • Lei Wang, Hao Li*, Yuqi Wang, Yihong Tan, Zhiping Chen, Tingrui Pei, Quan Zou*. MDADP: A webserver integrating database and prediction tools for microbe-disease associations. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 2022, 26(7): 3427-3434 (web)
  • Yansu Wang, Jie Wu,Jiacheng Yan, Ming Guo, Lei Xu, Liping Hou*, Quan Zou*. Comparativegenome analysis of plant ascomycete fungal pathogens with different lifestylesreveals distinctive virulence strategies. BMC Genomics. 2022, 23:34 (web)
  • Yansu Wang, Ximei Luo, QuanZou*. Effector-GAN: prediction of fungal effector proteins based onpretrained deep representation learning methods and generative adversarialnetworks. Bioinformatics. Doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btac374. (web server)
  • Zilong Zhang, Feifei Cui, Chen Cao, Qingsuo Wang*, QuanZou*. Single-cell RNA analysis reveals the potential risk of organ-specificcell types vulnerable to SARS-CoV-2 infections. Computers in Biology andMedicine. 2022, 140: 105092
  • Mengting Niu, Ying Ju,Chen Lin*, Quan Zou*. Characterizing Viral circRNAs and theirApplication in Identifying CircRNAs in Viruses. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2022, 23(1): bbab404. (web server)
  • Haoran Sun, Zhaoqi Song,Qiuming Chen, Meiling Wang, Furong Tang, Lijun Dou, Quan Zou*, FenglongYang*. MMiKG: A Knowledge Graph-based Platform for Path Mining ofMicrobiota-Mental Diseases Interactions. Briefingsin Bioinformatics. 2023, 24(6): bbad340. (web)
  • Yansu Wang, QuanZou*. Deciphering Microbial Adaptation in the Rhizosphere: Insights intoNiche Preference, Functional Profiles, and Cross-Kingdom Co-occurrences. Microbial Ecology. 2024, 87: 74
  • Antony Stalin*, Pachaiyappan Saravana Kumar,Balakrishnan Senthamarai Kannan, Rajamanikam Saravanan, SavarimuthuIgnacimuthu*, Quan Zou*. Potential inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 infectionand its mutation with the novel geldanamycin analogue: Ignaciomycin. Arabian Journal of Chemistry. 2024, 17:105493
  • Mengting Niu, Chunyu Wang, Yaojia Chen, Quan Zou, Lei Xu*. Identification, characterization and expressionanalysis of circRNA encoded by SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2024, 25(2):bbad537 (codes)
  • Shihu Jiao, Xiucai Ye*, Chunyan Ao, Tetsuya Sakurai, QuanZou, Lei Xu*. Adaptive learning embedding features to improve thepredictive performance of SARS-CoV-2 phosphorylation sites. Bioinformatics.2023, 39(11): btad627 (codes)
  • Qinzhong Tian, Pinglu Zhang, Yixiao Zhai, YansuWang*, Quan Zou*. Application and Comparison of Machine Learning andDatabase-Based Methods in Taxonomic Classification of High-ThroughputSequencing Data. Genome Biology and Evolution. 2024, 16(5): evae102 (web)
  • Yansu Wang, Quan Zou*. Deciphering Microbial Adaptation in the Rhizosphere: Insights intoNiche Preference, Functional Profiles, and Cross-Kingdom Co-occurrences. Microbial Ecology. 2024, 87: 74

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