Chih-Jen Lin的新作。
- LIBSVM: a simple and easy-to-use support vector machines tool for classification (C-SVC, nu-SVC), regression (epsilon-SVR, nu-SVR), and distribution estimation.
It includes a GUI for both classification and regression. Version 1.0 released in April 2000. Current Version: 3.17, April 2013.
See software document published in ACM TIST: pdf, ps.gz, ACM digital lib. - LIBLINEAR: a library for large linear classification. It is very suitable for document classification. Version 1.0 released in April 2007.
Current Version: 1.93, January 2013. - LibShortText: a library for short-text classification and analysis. Version 1.0 released in February 2013.
Current Version: 1.0, February 2013.